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Learning Resource Centre

What is the Learning Resource Centre at DHS?

The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is at the heart and hub of Dandenong High School. The facility offers a welcoming, comfortable space for students to learn, share and read in great company with other students and with the encouragement of dedicated staff who are passionate about learning. We are open before school, at recess and lunchtime, and after school. Students have access to a teacher librarian, books, printers, and study spaces.

The learning focus in the Learning Resource Centre is Information Literacy and Reading with Year 7, 8 and 9 students attending library lessons once a fortnight with their class.

We encourage all students to be critical thinkers and to develop their literacy, inquiry and technology skills. We empower students to pursue academic scholarship, interests and passions through books, media and the digital environment. We assist students to be independent and self-directed learners.

Exciting extra-curricular programs, such as the Teen Library Advisor Program, Author Visits, and Writing Programs including NaNoWriMo, offer students the opportunity to extend their leadership potential, to develop and showcase their literary talents. These and many other competitions and fun-filled events are on offer throughout the year to all students.

As well as access to an extensive book collection, the school pays for students and their families to have exclusive access to scholarly databases and fantastic digital resources including: the Dandenong High School eBook Lending Service, World Book Online and ClickView Online.

For more information about our services and to find out how to access our fabulous resources please visit the official library homepage


LRC Homepage   eBook Library   


Learning Excellence Program