Welcome to Fern House!
Fern House has a whole school responsibility for Student Pathways, Work Experience and in school Transition. The Fern team ensures that all students have a clear understanding of their subject choices for the following year, based on possible student pathways. We also work closely with the Careers team in delivering programs to our students in Years 9 – 12 from our outside providers, such as Monash, Deakin and Swinburne Universities, RMIT and others, to enable our students to have as much information as possible to make informed decisions as to their pathways when they leave Dandenong High School. Students aged 15 years or older will also experience a work experience related to a possible pathway, to further develop their thinking about pathways beyond school.
It is vitally important that that all students achieve a successful transition from one year to the next and to pathways beyond school – whether into University, TAFE, Apprenticeships or work.