At Dandenong High School we create an empowering environment that ensures our students are independent, motivated and perseverant learners. Our senior students experience a holistic learning program that provides a balance between face-to-face teaching with an opportunity to enhance their learning through a highly personalised Learning Excellence Program. Each student is provided with targeted study support and the essential study skills required to be and independent, successful and resilient young people.
Dandenong High School offers a broad range of opportunities for students in Year 10, 11 and 12 under the Victorian Certificate of Education, including a large selection of VCE subjects, in addition to VET offerings, VCE/VM subjects and the Victorian Pathways Certificate. Our partnership with Chisholm TAFE and the DREAM Trade Training Centre enables students to choose from a range of VET options or undertake school-based apprenticeships, as well as a range of applied learning opportunities. Students are fully supported through our Course Counselling process to ensure every individual achieves success in their chosen pathway and future career paths beyond school.
In addition, the school has extensive community and industry links and is involved in many programs that assist student transition from school to work or further education and training. We have strong partnerships with Monash, RMIT, Federation and Deakin Universities which are all focused on building student aspiration for university study. The school has an excellent Work Experience Program, opportunities for students to attend work placement and be involved in Work Inspiration experiences that provide mentoring programs supported by large and significant corporations. Our close partnerships with the Australian Business Community Network (ABCN) and The Skyline Foundation provide our students with scholarships and bursaries during their time at our school and throughout university.
Senior Student and Parent Information session – Supporting My Child in the Senior Years. Senior Student and Parent Information Session Presentation Video